16 Publications
2,193 Reads
596 Citations
· Sep 2008
As unmanned extraction vehicles become a reality in the military theater, opportunities to augment medical operations with telesurgical robotics become more plausible. This project demonstrated an experimental surgical robot using an unmanned airborne vehicle (UAV) as a network topology. Because battlefield operations are dynamic and geographically...
· Jun 2008
Robotic telesurgery has been demonstrated over long distances and offers theoretical benefits to urologic training and the care of patients in remote regions. The multiple arms and three-dimensional vision of the da Vinci robotic system provide a platform conducive to long-distance telementoring and telesurgery. Whereas prior telesurgical efforts h...
· Feb 2008
Implementing a telehealth program from the technical standpoint can be an engineering and financial challenge due to associated costs such as hardware, software, networking, administration and human expertise. To maximize potential and minimize costs, it makes sense to leverage existing telecommunications infrastructures and tailor the program base...
· Feb 2007
Robotically assisted surgery stands to further revolutionize the medical field and provide patients with more effective healthcare. Most robotically assisted surgeries are teleoperated from the surgeon console to the patient where both ends of the system are located in the operating room. The challenge of surgical teleoperation across a long distan...
· Feb 2006
Successful telemedicine requires appropriate equipment and some kind of telecommunications medium. However, successful telemedicine requires more than just technology. The three essential components are the personnel, the technology and a liberal measure of perseverance. Before the technology can be selected, it is necessary to consider the nature...
· Apr 2005
Most people found at 29,000 feet are usually in the comfortable environment of a modern aircraft. But for those who choose to climb the mighty Mount Everest, this altitude represents a death zone. The Everest Extreme Expedition (E3) has not necessarily made the Everest summit assault any easier but it has add…
· Nov 2004
Catastrophic events including those sparked by terrorism have cast a pall over society in recent years. Events such as September 11th or the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City demonstrated a sudden surge in telephone call volume. These events indicated that communications systems, including cellular, can fail as a re...
· Nov 2004
The VitalPoll Telemedicine System (VTS) was designed and developed for wireless home healthcare. The aims of this study were: to design the architecture and communication methods for a telemedicine system; to implement a physiologic routing hub to collect data from different medical devices and sensors; and to evaluate the feasibility of this syste...
· Oct 2002
Java language has been demonstrated to be an effective tool in supporting medical image viewing in Russia. This evaluation was completed by obtaining a maximum of 20 images, depending on the client's computer workstation from one patient using a commercially available computer tomography (CT) scanner. The images were compared against standard CT im...
· Feb 2002
Assessment of the logistics, economic feasibility, and accuracy of presurgical and postsurgical telemedicine consultations is reported. Virtual patient-surgeon consults were achieved through the use of desktop and laptop computers, digital video, and still cameras using two communications modalities. Patients were selected from rural clinics in the...
· Jan 2002
The NASA Haughton-Mars Project Base Camp on Devon Island, Canada (approximately 75 degrees north) was the site for transmission of vital signs from two "terranauts" (individuals who acted as Earthbound astronauts) back to the United States in (artificially delayed) real-time. The subjects became "physiologic ciphers" for status monitoring using rea...
· Jan 2002
The ability to continuously monitor the vital signs of a person can be beneficial especially if the environment is hazardous or a person simply has general health concerns. We wanted to ascertain if, by integrating the Internet, ubiquitous switching technologies and off-the-shelf tools, this "suite of services" could provide a topology to enable re...
· Sep 2001
To determine whether a low-bandwidth Internet connection can provide adequate image quality to support remote real-time surgical consultation. Telemedicine has been used to support care at a distance through the use of expensive equipment and broadband communication links. In the past, the operating room has been an isolated environment that has be...
· Feb 2001
The objective of this paper is to determine the effect of varying transmission bandwidth on image quality in laparoscopic surgery. Surgeons located in remote operating rooms connected through a telemedicine link must be able to transmit medical images for interaction. Image clarity and color fidelity are of critical importance in telementoring lapa...
· Feb 2000
Advanced wearable biosensors for vital-signs monitoring (physiologic cipher) are available to improve quality of healthcare in hospital, nursing home, and remote environments. The objective of this study was to determine reliability of vital-signs monitoring systems in extreme environments. Three climbers were monitored 24 hours while climbing thro...
· Nov 1999
Background: Telemedicine is traditionally associated with the use of very expensive and bulky telecommunications equipment along with substantial bandwidth requirements (128 kilobytes per second [kbps] or greater). Telementoring is an educational technique that involves real-time guidance of a less experienced physician through a procedure in whic...